Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Gospel According to Ruth by Kevin Foster
The Gospel According to Ruth by Kevin Foster is a great thought provoking read.  This is a 121 day devotional and most days starts out with a verse from the book of Ruth.  Foster then goes further into that analyzes the significance of each verse.  On those days that a verse is not provided he is providing information about the different feasts in that day or facts that help make the book of Ruth tie into different parts of the Bible.  He is very well versed in scripture because he will support a lot of his information with another stanza.  Finally, I really liked the Pick of the Crop found at the end of each day.  This was a quick summary of the day's lesson with a question or thought for you to ponder throughout the day.  I feel this would be a great small group study as well as an individual devotion.
This book was provided free for an honest review from